Stage Fright

Sky Collection quote prompt №24

Johannes Mudi
Sky Collection


Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

Silent wars raged inside of me unending

Gifting me without restrain, great unease

Thought of appearing giving the creeps

Every chance with a crowd unsettling

Announcing appearance with a racing pulse

Heart searching for a home beyond its four walls

Running the miles, blind to the clogs

Leaving behind trembling limbs in klutzy trails

Again, and again seeking man’s validation

Displaying with royalty a garb of perfection

I cannot err, I’m not of men

The ego in me winning by all means

Sad, I sought refuge in another lie:

It’s just my being, no need to try

Leaving the old wine tucked in old skin

Letting fear flow freely within my veins

It’s time; a brand new me to build

Behind the dock, self-doubting thoughts

For who I am I will be pleased

Yearning always to be at ease

A call for truce, ending the strife

The speedy heart regaining peace

And trembling limbs easing their speed

A chance to take, one at a time

Johannes Mudi

A prompt in response to building a new Samantha Lazar

Stop searching for happiness in the same place you lost it. Change is not dismantling the old; it’s building the new.

— Harriet Tubman



Johannes Mudi
Sky Collection

BA.Ed (History); LLB (Common Law). I started writing and fell in love and now I can't stop. Writer - Poet